Moshi Monsters Wiki
Moshi Monsters Wiki

Ziggy the Quirky Koala is an uncommon Moshling in the RoxStars set within the Moshi Monsters franchise. Ziggy is a koala bear that loves to reminisce of past music and celebrate it by sprinkling glitter on the floor and jumping in it, creating a what they dub "glitter angel".


Dragon FruitBlack Crazy DaisyDragon Fruit


Pump up the glam because Quirky Koalas are the music-loving Moshlings that enjoy face-painting and stomping around to flamboyant old songs. If you see one sprinkling glitter on the ground, don’t worry – it’s probably preparing to mark its territory by performing a signature glitter angel.

Collector's Guide

Main article: The All-New Moshlings Collector's Guide
Pump up the glam because Quirky Koalas are the music-loving Moshlings that enjoy face-painting and stomping around to old tunes. I remember dancing with a pack of Quirky Koalas back in my Moshiversity days when I was still wearing platform boots and silvery eyeliner - hard to believe when you see me now but it's true. Thank goodness I threw away the photos. Oh yes, if you ever see a Quirky Koala sprinkling glitter on the ground, don't worry - it's probably preparing to mark it's territory by performing a signature glitter angel.
Unexplored Area

Some say they fell from space, but most experts agree Quirky Koalas hail from Stardust Street on Music Island.
Rebellious, punky / inventive, talented
Scoffing pukecalyptus leaves and radical theatre.
Anything grey and shoe-staring.

Character Encyclopedia

Main article: Moshi Monsters: Character Encyclopedia



Main article: Moshipedia

Pump up the glam because Quirky Koalas are the music-loving Moshlings that enjoy face-painting and stomping around to flamboyant old songs. If you see one sprinkling glitter on the ground, don’t worry – it’s probably preparing to mark its territory by performing a signature glitter angel.


  • Ziggy is based of Ziggy Stardust, an alter ego of David Bowie, in name and biography. Ziggy's appearance, however, looks more derived of Paul Stanley from KISS, due to the black-white and star combo.



