Twistmas is the festive holiday that is celebrated in the lead up to December 25 in Moshi Monsters. Twistmas is a pun on Christmas, both are celebrated on the same day and have a lot in common.
Since 2011, codes have been given out to users to celebrate the holiday. In 2011 and 2012, the codes where given out in the "12 Days of Twistmas" and through the figure Advent Calendar in 2012. In 2013, the codes were given out in The Great Twistmas Giveaway as well as in the Micro Moshi Advent Calendar.
In 2008, a constest was held to design a Father Twistmas and Mother Twistmas. Mother Twistmas was not mentioned after the event. They are demi-god / crytpid like entities alike Roy G. Biv and The Great White Furi.
The Great White Furi hibernates throughout the year and has an allergic reaction to the Pepper Geyser acting up during this time. His sneeze covers Monstro City in "snow".
The Twistmas Hoodoos, a sub-tribe of Woolly Hoodoos who specialize in Twistmas and celebrate it all year round and live in a secluded part within the Gombala Gombala Jungle where it snows - peculiar as Moshi adresses it.
- Festives
- Snowies
- Frosties
- Twistmas Hoodoos
- The Moshi Movie Mystery
- Tinselpillar
- Twistmas With Strangeglove
Moshi Monsters[]
From 2008 to 2012, during Twistmas, twelve items were hidden (one every day for twelve days) in stores and monsters had to find the item's store from a clue posted on the The Daily Growl.
All items apart from the clothing items and food items were sold in surprise presents/crackers so those who purchased wouldn't know until the item was dragged from their inventory to their room.
The Moshi Monsters 12 Days of Twistmas was a Twistmas Secret Codes promotion that was held on in 2011. Each day for twelve days from 14th December to 25th December, a new code was posted on the website, all with a one-time use.
The items from in 2011 returned in 2012 and were released with issue 24 of the Moshi Monsters Magazine, where Cap'n Buck did a 12 Days of Twistmas treasure hunt to create the item codes, given the beginnings and with the endings found throughout the issue of the magazine. These codes remain active and are able to be used.
In 2012, five new items were released at Yukea as well as the older ones that had appeared in stores each year since 2008.
- Main article: The Great Twistmas Giveaway
In 2013, the items from 2008-2012 apart of the '12 days of Twistmas' did not return, neither did the secret codes from the Instead, The Great Twistmas Giveaway promotion took place. Everyday from December 18th until January 5th, for nineteen days, a new secret code was shown by a pop-up alert.
- Twistmas Door - TWISTDOOR1
- Twistmas Window - TWISTWINDOW1
- Twistmas Wreath - TWISTWREATH
- Twistmas Stocking - STOCKING5
- Candy Cane - CANDYCANE3
- Twistmas Toy Soldier - TOYSOLDIER1
- Chocolate Poppet - FAIRYLIGHTS
- Chocolate Katsuma - CAROLSINGERS
- Ghost of Christmas Past
- Ghost of Christmas Present
- Ghost of Christmas Future
- Carter - SNOWBALL
- Vinnie - 2014
- Hocus - ICICLES
- Lurgee - SNOWFLAKE
- Bodge - REDNOSE
- Melting Snowman
- Iced Hoodoo
- Food Merchandise