Thumpkin the Paranormal Pumpkin is a Super Moshling in the Screamies set in Moshi Monsters Egg Hunt. They are a jack-o-lantern. They light up like a jack-o-lantern when tapped on.
Thumpkin is hatched from a Super Moshling egg which appears in the middle of the set in the zoo when the player completes a Moshling set (with all four original Moshlings). The Bumbletron 9000 Deluxe hatches the egg with the help of a golden spoon.
Confetti buckets and crash helmets.
Tasteless soup and haunted pips.
- Their likes refer to kids' trick-or-treating containers.
- Their like of crash helmets refers to the helmets themselves being used as Halloween masks.
- Their dislikes refer to them being eaten.