Moshi Monsters Wiki
Moshi Monsters Wiki

Tessa the Shooting Star is an uncommon Moshling in the Sparklies set in Moshi Monsters. They are a space star. Monsters have made divisive beliefs of where they originated. Tessa's speed is approximately faster than the speed of light.


Yellow Moon OrchidSnap AppleSnap Apple


Tamara Tesla believes they tumbled from space, but Elder Furi says they just pinged into existence. One thing's for sure, Shooting Stars are very special Moshlings because they can whoosh around faster than the speed of light, often arriving before they left. It's just a shame they communicate by twinkling and making swishy harp noises that only they understand. Many moons ago I attempted to translate this strange language as I thought it might be similar to ancient Custard-ese. Unfortunately it came out as gobbledegook and the only words I could make out were 'silly, look, that, monster, old' and 'at'.

Mini Bio[]

Some say they fell from the space, others believed they just pinged into existence. Ones thing's certain, Shooting Stars are very special because they can whoosh around faster than the speed of light, often arriving before they left! It's a shame, they only communicate by twinkling and making swishy harp sounds.


Unexplored Area

Tamara Tesla thinks Shooting Stars are formed in slack holes beyond the Way-Outta-Sphere. That might be true but most of them live in and around the Twinkly-Dink Mines.



Radiant, enchanting, dreamy.


Moon dust and goopernovas.


Space junk and being mistaken for Twistmas decorations.


  • Tessa's design and name debuted in Issue #33 of the Moshi Monsters Magazine, where they featured as a sticker.
  • Their dislike of being mistaken for Twistmas decorations is because they are a space star.
  • Tessa resembles the most common depiction of The Moshi Sun.


