The Sparklies are a Moshling Set in Moshi Monsters, based on sparkly entities.
The Moshlings in this set are Loomy the Glittering Glowfish, Posy the Forgetful Fairy, Tessa the Shooting Star and Major Moony the Cosmic Loony.
In Moshi Monsters Egg Hunt, Sparx the Shimmering Satchel is added as a Super Moshling.
- Main article: The All-New Moshlings Collector's GuideA sprinkle of magic is sometimes all you need to solve a tricky situation. But Luvli can't be on hand 24/7, so that's when I turn to the Sparklies. These enchanting Moshlings have special powers. Forgetful Fairies can sew daisy chains together- perfect for rescuing Moshingologists who've tumbled into custard swamps. And Shooting Stars can travel faster than the speed of light so they can save you before you've even fallen in!