Moshi Monsters Wiki
Moshi Monsters Wiki
Rhapsody 2

Not to be confused with Welcome To Jollywood (song).

Welcome to Jollywood was the sixth mission to be released from of Season 2 Super Moshi Missions. The mission sees the The Super Moshis visit Jollywood as there is only one Zoshling left to track down, Splutnik. However, Big Chief Tiny Head from C.L.O.N.C. is causing more chaos. The Super Moshis are reunited with Elder Furi.

The mission can be played by visiting the Zoshling Ship Crash Site on Music Island or by clicking on the mission launcher.





Name Audio Name Audio
Jollywood Marketplace ambience Yoga Retreat ambience
Yoga Retreat + Stew ambience Yoga Retreat Stew ambience.ogg
Groovy Gateway slow Groovy Gateway normal
Groovy Gateway fast Yoga Retreat Jukebox
Super Moshi plays flute Do The Scrub Step!
Temple Dance Floor fixed Diabolical Disco Bobbi's Sitar
Diabolical Disco Clap Diabolical Disco Retro
Diabolical Disco Vocal Diabolical Disco Vocal Bobbi
Diabolical Disco text 1 Diabolical Disco text 2
Diabolical Disco text 3


  • First appearance of Big Chief Tiny Head.
  • First Officer Ooze is absent.
  • Elder Furi and the Super Moshis were reunited in the mission.
  • There is an animation mistake where Moe Pukka's eye colour keeps changing from green to blue.
  • If the player drags the Red flowers to their monster, they will comment; โ€œThis flower is exactly what Nozzle wanted!โ€ There exists no character with this name. It is likely they ment to say Snozzle, who is a relative of Snozzani. The dialoge should have said that the flower is exaclty what Snozzani wanted.
  • Blue Jeepers does not mind you taking his watering can, allthough he accused you of attempting to steal when you clicked on it earlier.
  • Although the Blue Jeepers doesn't react when their flowers are altered or taken, when dragging said item to them, they will reply "What'd you do to my flower??"
  • The image in the infobox has Bobbi Singsong's right foot detached from lis right leg.
