Pooky the Potty Pipsqueak is an uncommon Moshling in the Dinos set within the Moshi Monsters franchise. Pooky is a dinosaur with a shell that they wear as a hat. They are imaginative and love pretending to be space adventurers and race drivers.
The Music Video Eggshells is dedicated to them. A Robot version of Pooky appeared in the Katsuma Unleashed DS Game.
With their cracked eggshell helmets, Potty Pipsqueaks are often mistaken for newly hatched Moshlings. They claim they wear this strange headgear to protect themselves from Killer Canaries. But why would Killer Canaries want to attack? Simple, the eggshells belong to them! Potty Pipsqueaks steal them so that they can pretend to be racing drivers and spacemen.
Collector's Guide[]
- Main article: The Moshling Collector's Guide
- Main article: The Ultimate Moshlings Collector's Guide
Potty Pipsqueaks come from Make-Believe Valley, but many can be found playing in cardboard boxes disguised as spaceships, fire trucks and tanks.
Playful, imaginative, silly.
Jurassic Bark and action figures.
Washing their paws for dinner and sausage skins.
Character Encyclopedia[]
- Main article: Character Encyclopedia
Potty Pipsqueaks like Pooky originate from Make-Believe Valley. Sometimes they can also be seen inside spaceships, fire trucks and tanks - but only ones that are made from cardboard boxes! Pipsqueaks say they wear eggshell helmets to shield themselves from Killer Canary attacks, but you can't always trust these Dinos to tell the truth!
It's playtime!
These playful creatures love Jurassic Bark and acting out their favourite scenes with action figures. Often they're too busy playing to wash their paws before dinner. And then the silly squeaking Dinos like to play with their food too - they will only eat sausages if the skins are removed first. Fussy fossils!
Out of this world!
Like all Potty Pipsqueaks, incredibly imaginative Pooky loves make-believe and often pretends to be an amazing astronaut, zooming off in an imaginary spaceship to explore the swooniverse!
Data File
Moshling type: Dinos
Species: Potty Pipsqueak
Habitat: Make-Believe Valley
Dino playmates: Doris, Gurgle, Snookums
- Eggshell helmets make pipsqueaks look like newly hatched Moshlings, or spacemen, or racing drivers!
- Big head contains a huge imagination.
- Cute button nose.
- Main article: Moshipedia
The Official Collectable Figures Guide[]
- Main article: The Official Collectable Figures Guide
When it comes to imagination, it's hard to beat a playful Potty Pipsqueak! Although you might think that the eggs they were on their heads are their own, don't be fooled, they actually belong to Killer Canaries. But the shells help these Moshlings to pretend they are astronauts, racing drivers and fire fighters.
As the Potty Pipsqueaks come from Make-Believe Valley, they love to play pretend. They can often be seen playing in cardboard boxes that they are using as spaceships, airplanes and army tanks.
Moshling Zoo Official Game Guide[]
- Main article: Moshling Zoo Official Game Guide
Moshling Rescue[]
- Main article: Moshling Rescue
Pooki Hey, I'm Pooky! Rescue me from level 29! I wear my cracked egg shell helmet with pride! Even though I tell everyone it's to shield myself from killer canaries, it's really just so I can pretend to be a racing driver. #MoshlingRescue #Moshling #Rescue #Rescuer #Pooky |
- Broken Boobles seem to have a dislike for Potty Pipsqueaks in their bio.
- Pooky's eggshell was animated separate from their head, meaning it is possible to remove the eggshell to see Pooky's full head, complete. See below.