Oompah the Brassy BlowyThing is a rare Moshling in the Tunies set. They are a tuba who toots when they smell sausages grilling or when they hear Wobble-ade fizzing. Oompah enjoys burping rainbow bubbles.
Do you like parping? Good because these melodious Moshlings can't stop tooting thigh-slapping tunes whenever they smell sausages grilling or hear Wobble-ade fizzing. Brassy BlowyThings also enjoy burping rainbow coloured bubbles when they march in time to their toot-tastic ditties. Parp!
Collector's Guide[]
Do you like parping? Good, because these melodious Moshlings can't stop tooting thigh-slapping tunes whenever they smell sausages grilling or hear Wobble-ade fizzing. And that's why I've managed to collect so many of 'em over the years because I like nothing more than a few silly sausages washed down with Wobble-ade when I'm on an expedition. I've recently discovered that Brassy BlowyThings also enjoy burping rainbow coloured bubbles when they march in time to their toot-tastic ditties. Parp!
In Polka Park (alongside Squeezy Tinklehuffs) but some parp around Windypop Place.
Bright, boisterous and symphonic.
Lederhosen and Jolly Tubthumpers.
Kazoo solos and greasy fingers.
Character Encyclopedia[]
- Main article: Character Encyclopedia
Brassy BlowyThings like Oompah love parping harmoniously in Polka Park with fellow Tunies the Squeezy Tinklehuffs. After they have tuned up in Windypop Place, you might spot this bright, boisterous band of BlowyThings marching along, burping rainbow-coloured bubbles as they parp.
Shiny, parpy Moshlings
Although these symphonic souls love music, they very much dislike ear-piercing Kazoo solos. Oompah and the other Brassy BlowyThings are also terrified of greasy pawprints that threaten to blemish their shininess.
Playing for supper
When they smell the succulent scent of sizzling Silly Sausages, these musical Moshlings can't help but parp out a tune in excitement. Paaarrrp!
Data File
Moshling type: Tunies
Species: Brassy BlowyThing
Habitat: Polka Park
Tunie teammates: Plinky, Wallop, HipHop
- Hole in the head for optimum parping.
- Polished to perfection.
- BlowyThings' feet march to the beat.
- Main article: Moshipedia
Do you like parping? Good, because these melodious Moshlings can't stop tooting thigh-slapping tunes whenever they smell sausages grilling or hear wobble-ade fizzing. Brassy BlowyThings also enjoy burping rainbow-coloured bubbles as they march along to their toot-tastic ditties. Parp!
The Official Collectable Figures Guide[]
- Main article: The Official Collectable Figures Guide
These melodious Moshlings love tooting tunes, burping rainbow-coloured bubbles and generally parping around Polka Park and Windypop Place.
- Oompah is friends with Plinky, Wallop, and Betty (according to their and Betty's biography).
- Brassy BlowyThings can be seen in Blingo's music video, Diggin' Ya Lingo.
- Oompah can't read music.
- Oompah's name is an onomatopoeia of their sound file.
- Their dislikes refer to inability to play and competition.
- His likes refer to polka bands.
- In the movie, a very unfortunate Brassy BlowyThing plays one of the opening notes of The Doctor Will See You Now before going through the Glumping process.