Mrs. Snoodle the Silly Snuffler is an Ultra-Rare Moshling in the Legends set. She resembles an elephant with a rainbow mane and tail. She was first seen in the Moshi Monsters: The Movie figure tin and stars in said movie.
She can be obtained by purchasing the Mrs. Snoodle Carte Blanche plush or by purchasing a copy of the Moshi Monsters: The Movie DVD. She can also be obtained in Moshi Monsters Village using a code found in Moshi Monsters: The Movie DVDs.
She might be a Silly Snuffler but Mrs. Snoodle is one smart little Moshling. With her plume of rainbow hair, Mrs Snoodle is easy to spot, so it's a good thing that she can change the colour of her mane to match her surroundings. And wait until you hear her parping! (Sweet melodies.)
It's top secret but you can bet your fossilized fungi flakes Mr. Snoodle is doodling, canoodling and keeping Mrs. Snoodle safe. (Don't bother looking around Franzipan Farm, that's far too obvious!)
Collector's Guide[]
- Main article: The All-New Moshlings Collector's Guide
She might be a Silly Snuffler but there's nothing daft about Mrs. Snoodle. The moment I hatched her (from the magnificent egg I discovered in a mysterious ancient template) I knew she was a very special Moshling. And so did Mr. Snoodle - the little fella was instantly smitten! With her plume of rainbow hair, Mrs. Snoodle is easy to spot, so it's a good thing she's gone into hiding, as I'm certain Dr. Strangeglove would love to get his mitts on her. He's convinced she came from the Great Moshling Egg but I'm not so sure anymore. I think I might have picked up the wrong egg.
It's top secret but you can bet your fossilized fungus flakes Mr. Snoodle is doodling, canoodling and keeping Mrs. Snoodle safe. Needless to say, I've offered them a safe haven within my sanctuary.
Innocent, dawdly, musical.
Mr. Snoodle and fluffy rainbows.
Microwavable Oobla Doobla and cameo roles.
When first released in the zoo, she was a rare Moshling.
Mrs. Snoodle, while in the Legends set, is also considered part of the Ponies due to Mr. Snoodle being part of it, a fellow Silly Snuffler. In the Moshi Monsters Magazine (Issue 38) the Silly Snuffler duo is listed as such and Mrs. Snoodle is in the Ponies set in Moshi Monsters Village. Mrs Snoodle's abilities also have overlap with "fellow" Ponies: She can create rainbows - an ability shared with Gigi - and change the colour of her hair - an ability shared with Priscilla.
Mrs. Snoodle, or rather, the Great Moshling Egg, is the "MacGuffin" of The Movie. Deep in the Gombala Gombala Jungle lies a temple that housed the legendary Great Moshling Egg.
Mr. Snoodle shows excitement upon seeing the egg on the news and thus seems to recognize it somehow. Therefor the hatching and his excitement come off as reuniting rather than meeting a person for the first time. As she is very different in behavior and design from her Baby counterpart, the hatching is not to be interpreted as birth but rather a summon or awakening.
While the biography says Dr. Strangeglove might believe the egg and the Moshling hatching from the egg are the Great Moshling capable of becoming a mega glump.
Supposedly, if the egg was injected with the formula, Mrs Snoodle would have hatched as the Mega Glump. Buster however has come to doubt that Mrs. Snoodle is in-fact the legendary Moshling and that he picked up the wrong egg. What caused his doubt is not explained.
The movie ended with spoofing many eggs similar the Great Moshling Egg and made movement as if they were about to hatch. Buster stated only Moshlingologists of his calliber can hatch an egg that ancient. Mrs. Snoodle has not shown the ability to hatch out of the egg herself.
According to Sprinkles's biography, some experts believe Silly Snufflers are related to Magical Tinklers.
While Silly Snuffler Mr. Snoodle resembles an elephant, Mrs. Snoodle has a long hair as opposed to a bald head. In comparison the Mr. Snoodle, her snout has a dent on the middle top and her ears a dent on the middle underside, making them appear heart-shaped. Mrs. Snoodle's hair can change colour but she has yellowish-tone rainbow stripes as her default. Her hair curls around her face. She seems to wear makeup.
Mrs. Snoodle's Carte Blanche plush does not feature ears and the odd choice of "troll hair" was to make it comb-able.
Moshi Monsters: The Movie[]
- Main article: Moshi Monsters: The Movie