Lummox the Humongous Hogsnorter is an Uncommon Moshling in the Sporties set within the Moshi Monsters franchise. They are an orange bull. Lummox is strong and loves to knit.
Ooh, check out those biceps! And the abs! And the pecs! In fact Humongous Hogsnorters are buff all over because they spend hours pumping iron (well okay, lifting little tins of gloop soup). But there's more to these buff beefcakes than mere muscles, as they also enjoy knitting titchy loincloths whilst listening to retro hair metal. Grrrrr!
Collector's Guide[]
- Main article: The All-New Moshlings Collector's Guide
Ooh, check out those biceps! And the abs! And the pecs! In fact Humongous Hogsnorters are buff all over because they spend hours pumping iron (well, OK, lifting little tins of gloop soup). I once challenged a Hogsnorter to an arm-wrestle and spent the next four weeks in Moshpital with a fractured paw. Raw strength aside, there's more to these buff beefcakes than mere muscles, as they also enjoy knitting titchy loincloths whilst listening to retro hair metal. In fact I'm wearing the loincloth that was given to me as a get-well gift by the Hogsnorter who broke my paw at this very moment!
If you head over to the gym near Bleurgh Beach you might just see a few Humongous Hogsnorters sunning themselves and striking poses.
Clean-living, heroic, proud.
Bad action movies and Oochie Poochies.
Facefuls of sand and lazy Moshlings.
Moshling Rescue[]
- Main article: Moshling Rescue
Lummox Hi there, I'm Lummox. Not even my big biceps can save me from this sticky situation at level 131! Looks like the hours I've spent lifting tins of gloop has been for nothing. #MoshlingRescue #Moshling #Rescue #Rescuer #Lummox |
- The definition of a lummox is a "clumsy, stupid person".
- Lummox was one of the first Moshlings to have two combinations.
- Lummox's name was released in the zoo on August 12th 2013, the same day Betty's name was removed, making people think Lummox replaced Betty.