Jessie the Ginger McMoshling is an Ultra-rare Moshling in Moshi Monsters. They are a parody of the famous Loch Ness Monster (Nessie), hence the plaid cap.
Ginger McMoshlings are thought to be distant descendants of the legendary Loch Mess Monster, Ginger McMoshlings look a bit like mini Jabbersauruses- ancient the creatures that roamed the world of Moshi before the Great Custard Flood. All I know for sure is these tartan-clad critters love a wee jig whenever they hear the drone of the sagpipes. Believe me, there is nothing funnier than the sight of a very merry McMoshling performing a Highland fling, especially if it decides to pull off its false beard (which is glued to its hat) and wear it as a kind of kilt. Och-aye!
Mini Bio
Thought to be distant descendants of the legendary Sock Less Monster, Ginger McMoshlings look a bit like mini Jabbersaurses - ancient creatures that roamed the world of Moshi before the Great Custard Flood. These tartan-clad critters love a wee jig whenever they hear the drone of the sagpipes. It's hilarious, especially when they pull off their false beards!
Character Encyclopedia
- Main article: Character Encyclopedia
Travel to Loch Mess on a misty morning and a merry sight will greet your eyes. The energetic Ginger McMoshlings perform a wee jig whenever they hear the drone of sagpipes drifting across the glens. Jessie and the clan fling their wee green limbs around widely and end their performance by ripping off their false ginger beards, which they then wear as kilts!
McMoshling Mythies
It's said Ginger McMoshlings like Jessie resemble mini Jabbersauruses, ancient beasts that once wandered the Moshi world. McMoshlings are also thought to be distant descendants of the legendary mythical beastie, the Sock Less Monster. The tartan-clad Gingers are always hoping for a glimpse of their ol' relative Socky in Loch Mess.
A hole in one?
Jessie likes to play golf with the other highland Beasties. They gather near the ancient McHaggis Castle on Music Island to tee off.
Data File
Moshling type: Mythies
Species: Ginger McMoshling
Habitat: Lock Mess and McHaggis Castle on Music Island
Mythie mates: Shambles, Scarlet O'Haira, Long Beard
- Traditional tartan tam-o'-shanter hat
- False ginger beard is glued to the hat.
- Main article: Moshipedia
Thought to be distant descendants of the legendary Sock Less Monster, Ginger McMoshlings look a bit like mini Jabbersaurses - ancient creatures that roamed the world of Moshi before the Great Custard Flood. These tartan-clad critters love a wee jig whenever they hear the drone of the sagpipes. It's hilarious, especially when they pull off their false beards (which are glued to their hats) and wear'em as kilts. Och-aye!
Ginger McMoshlings can be found bobbling about on Loch Mess but some play golf near McHaggis Castle on Music Island.
Testy, buffoonish, tooty.
Shortbread biscuits and misty mornings.
Trousers and shandy.
Mash Up cards
- Main article: Mash Up cards