Jeepers the Snuggly Tiger Cub is a rare Moshling in the Beasties set in the Moshi Monsters franchise. Jeepers is a tiger who paints their stripes on with inka-inka juice.
Jeepers' official info and name were featured on The Daily Growl on 5th July 2009.
These adorable Moshlings really have earned their stripes. That's because they spend ages painting them on using inka-inka juice, squeezed from rare thumpkin seeds. Sadly the jungle is green, not yellow and stripy. When they're not slopping hopeless camouflage around, Snuggly Tiger Cubs love sharpening their claws and licking old swoonafish cans.
Collector's Guide[]
- Main article: The Moshling Collector's Guide
- Main article: The Ultimate Moshlings Collector's Guide
Although their camouflage is useless, it's pretty difficult for a normal Monster to spot a Snuggly Tiger Cub because they seldom stray beyond the lush foliage of the Barmy Swami Jungle.
Bashful, soppy, cuddly.
Glam rock and having their tummies scratched.
Water pistols and flea collars.
Character Encyclopedia[]
- Main article: Character Encyclopedia
What's yellow and striped and hides in a green place? A Snuggly Tiger Cub, of course! These adorable Beasties might not have mastered the art of camouflage yet, but they deserve 10 out of 10 for effort. Jeepers and the pack of cuddly Cubs spend ages squeezing the inka-inka juice from rare thumpkin seeds to use as paint for their stripes.
Cute cubs
Jeepers and the other Snuggly Tiger Cubs always keep their claws nice and sharp. This isn't for hunting though. It's because sharp nails come in handy for scratching their tails and for opening cans of swoonafish. These little Beasties like nothing more than licking old swoonafish cans, while listening to glam rock.
It's a jungle out there
Snuggly Tiger Cubs live in the Barmy Swami Jungle. Despite their terrible camouflage, it's hard to spot them because they're very bashful and rarely leave their lush jungle home.
Data File
Moshling type: Beasties
Species: Snuggly Tiger Cub
Habitat: Barmy Swami Jungle
Beastie buddies: ShiShi, Burnie, Humphrey
- Stripes made from inka-inka juice.
- Velvety soft, snuggly ears.
- Snuggly Tiger Cub's tails are very ticklish.
- Main article: Moshipedia
These adorable Moshlings really have earned their stripes. That's because they spend ages painting them on using inka-inka juice, squeezed from rare thumpkin seeds. Sadly the jungle is green, not yellow and stripy. When they're not slopping hopeless camouflage around, Snuggly Tiger Cubs love sharpening their claws and licking old swoonafish cans.
The Official Collectable Figures Guide[]
- Main article: The Official Collectable Figures Guide
Snuggly Tiger Cubs are rarely seen beyond the rich greenery of the Barmy Swami Jungle, but if you were to venture in, you'd probably be able to find them. Not only do they love listening to loud glam rock, but their yellow bodies are useless camouflage in the green jungle. This is why they spend a long time painting camouflage stripes on themselves with inka-inka juice, squeezed from thumpkin seeds.
When they aren't earning their stripes you might see them sharpening their claws or licking the dregs from swoonafish tins. They are shy, but they love having their tummies tickled! Just don't show them a flea collar or a water pistol. They will run if you shoot water at them. And so will their stripes!
Moshling Zoo Official Game Guide[]
- Main article: Moshling Zoo Official Game Guide
Wobbly Woods, in the Barmy Swami Jungle
The Snuggly Tiger Cub
These adorable Moshlings really have earned their stripes. That's because they spend ages painting them using inka-inka juice, squeezed from thumpkin seeds. Sadly the jungle is green, not yellow and stripy (but who wants to blend in, anyway)? In addition to decorating themselves, Snuggly Tiger Cubs love sharpening their claws and licking old swoonafish cans.
Adopting Jeepers
Appeal to Jeepers's artistic side and you'll find a new (and nicely decorated) adoptee. Jeepers requires ground-up thumpkin seeds to make paint, plus painting supplies, but after he's got what he needs, you'll have a standout Moshling for your zoo.
It's a jungle out here.
Moshling Rescue[]
- Main article: Moshling Rescue
Jeepers Hey there, what's yellow and striped and hides in a green place? ME, the snugly tiger cub, Jeepers! Unfortunately, I've been stuck in sticky gummy on BONUS level 8 for AGES now, please save me! #MoshlingRescue #Moshling #Rescue #Rescuer #Jeepers |
Jeepers is one of the original 48 Moshlings and even among this group was a common character for merchandising and media presence.
Tiger cubs are native to jungle areas and is thus shown in the Gombala Gombala Jungle in the music video Go Do The Hoodoo.
Jeepers does not appear in the Super Moshi Missions as an NPC, but she is to be assumed she would sound similar to Blue Jeepers.
In Bad to the Biscuit, Hansel is chasing Jeepers likely to harm them but the roles are reversed once she took a bite out of the Gingerboy.
Jeepers features in the "Will you be my Valentine?" Gift along with ShiShi, implied to be a couple.
In Run, Shelby, Run!, She is the final boss and thus supposed leader of the gang of Moshlings (Ecto, Gurgle, Tiki, Squidge) that stole Shelby's parcel of shell wax. Supposedly the gang did not know what was in it and assumed something that would appeal to them.