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Honey the Funny Bunny is a rare Moshling in the Fluffies set in Moshi Monsters. They are a white bunny. Honey is well dressed and enjoys texting jokes to their friends.


Yellow Love BerriesBlue Snap AppleMagic Beans


Dedicated followers of fashion, Funny Bunnies are the best-dressed Moshlings in town. Yes, I know that's hard to believe looking at my stylish outfit, but it's true. I'm pretty sure they think I'm hip. Well, they always chuckle and point when they see me. If they're not busy texting jokes to their friends, these incredibly cute furballs can be found yacking about carrot cake, clothes and fur straighteners. Talking of straightening, all Funny Bunnies have one floppy ear. I'm convinced this is caused by listening to silly ringtones all day.

Mini Bio

Dedicated followers of fashion, Funny Bunnies are the best-dressed Moshlings in town. When they're not busy texting jokes to their friends they can be found yacking about carrot cake, clothes and fur straighteners. Talking of straightening, Funny Bunnies have one floppy ear. Experts think this is caused by listening to silly ringtones all day.

Character Encyclopedia

Main article: Character Encyclopedia

Funny Bunnies certainly know how to dress! These outgoing, well-dressed little rabbits have serious style standards and won't be seen in anything but the latest Moshi fashions. Hop into Horrods with Honey and you'll probably bump into hordes of other bouncing bunnies, browsing the boutique rails and texting jokes to their buddies.
Bunny business
Funny Bunnies like Honey love chilling out at Tyra's Spa. It's the best beauty parlour in Monstro City. They swap gossip and carrot cake recipes while waiting for their Slop! face packs to set and for Tyra to straighten their silky fur.
Hip hutch
Funny Bunnies can't live in just any old burrow. Only the best two-storey modern hutch in Pawberry Fields will do, darling!
Data File
Moshling type: Fluffies
Species: Funny Bunny
Habitat: Pawberry Fields
Fluffie friends: Dipsy, Flumpy, I.G.G.Y.

  • All Funny Bunnies have one floppy ear from listening to too many silly ringtones!
  • Funny Bunnies are smiley, chatty little critters.
  • Honey is wearing the latest Moshling must-have dress.

The Official Collectable Figures Guide

Main article: The Official Collectable Figures Guide

Funny Bunnies are seriously trendy, so you wouldn't find these hip hoppers living in basic burrows. Oh no! Most of them have state-of-the art hutches in Pawberry Fields. When not relaxing at home, they're often out and about texting jokes to one another, or chatting about the latest styles of carrot cakes, clothes and fur straighteners!
Of course, the one thing they can never completely straighten is their floppy ear, believed to be caused by spending so much time listening to silly ringtones!


Hab honey

You might expect these rabbity Moshlings to live in basic burrows but most of them own incredibly modern hutches in Pawberry Fields.



Outgoing, natty, chatty.


Sniggering at silly jokes and ironing flowers (especially naffodils).


Orange sauce and lukewarm nincomsoup.


  • Tomba's dislikes mention a fear of Funny Bunnies because rabbits may like carrots and Tomba has a carrot for a nose.
  • Members could receive Moshling Eggs that hatched Honey in the past.
  • In the recently teased Moshling Eggs image, Honey's cell phone appears to be updated to a smartphone.







Main article: Figures

Mash Up cards

Main article: Mash Up cards

Other Merchandise

Moshi Kids

Main article: Moshi Twilight Sleep Stories

